Testosterone replacement therapy Holtsville, NY - Renew Clinic

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has become an increasingly popular option for men looking to boost declining testosterone levels. This comprehensive guide by Renew Clinic in Holtsville, New York will provide key information about TRT - who needs it, its benefits, different treatment methods, and more. What is Testosterone? Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible for the proper functioning of many processes in a man's body and mind. It plays essential roles in:

After age 30, most men experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels at a rate of about 1% per year. Low testosterone, clinically known as hypogonadism, can cause numerous undesirable symptoms and health risks if left untreated. Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone Here are some common indicators that testosterone levels may be dropping lower than optimal: If multiple symptoms are present, a blood test is recommended to check testosterone levels. Most physicians consider total testosterone below 300 ng/dL to be clinically low. Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Correcting testosterone deficiency with TRT offers several potential benefits: For many men, optimizing testosterone to youthful levels can help them look better, feel stronger, perform better, and enjoy life more fully. Treatment Options If low testosterone is detected through testing, TRT can be prescribed to restore levels. The most common TRT options include:


Testosterone injections (aka intramuscular shots) are administered every 7 to 14 days. This method provides the most stable testosterone levels but requires regular doctor visits for injections.

Our services

Transdermal Gels

Testosterone gels are applied daily to the skin. Gels provide flexible dosing while delivering testosterone efficiently. Potential drawbacks include skin irritation and transference risk.

Transdermal Patches

Adhesive testosterone patches can be worn on the body to continuously deliver hormones. Patches are easy to use but can sometimes irritate skin.


Testosterone pellets are implanted under the skin every 3 to 6 months via a quick and minimally invasive procedure. Pellets eliminate the need for frequent dosing of gels or injections.

Oral Capsules

Testosterone capsules or troches (lozenges) taken by mouth represent newer forms of TRT. They offer convenient daily dosing but can cause liver strain at high doses.

The TRT regimen, including method of administration, dosage, and frequency, can be customized for your unique health profile and needs. Our experienced hormone physicians will help design an optimal protocol tailored just for you.

Getting Started with TRT

If you exhibit multiple symptoms of low testosterone and want to see if TRT is right for you, the first step is diagnostic testing. A simple blood draw can measure your total testosterone, free testosterone, and other key hormone biomarkers.

Based on your test results and a thorough clinical evaluation, our physicians will determine if you are a candidate for TRT. We will discuss your specific treatment goals, review the benefits and risks, and if you are a fit, prescribe an appropriate regimen.

Throughout your treatment, we closely monitor your progress through follow-up exams and bloodwork to ensure your protocol is optimized for maximal benefits and safety. We also provide lifestyle guidance on nutrition, exercise, and other factors to help you get the most out of TRT.

Why Choose Renew Clinic for Your TRT?

When it comes to life-changing treatments like TRT, your choice of provider is vital. Renew Clinic in Holtsville offers:

We are passionate about using TRT and other hormone therapies to help patients look better, feel stronger, and live life to the fullest. Contact Renew Clinic in Holtsville to learn more and schedule your consultation.


How expensive is TRT?

TRT costs can range widely, but Renew Clinic offers competitive pricing. We accept most major insurance plans, which will often cover a considerable portion of TRT expenses.

Are there risks or side effects?

When properly administered, TRT is very safe for most patients. Potential side effects like acne or sleep apnea are mild and uncommon. Our doctors carefully manage your therapy to minimize risks.

How long until I feel results from TRT?

Most patients notice initial effects within weeks, but maximum benefits take 2-3 months as optimal testosterone levels are reached and maintained. The timeframe varies by individual.

Is TRT only helpful for older men?

While TRT is more common in older males due to natural testosterone decline, TRT can benefit men of any age who have clinically low testosterone. Our clinic has helped men in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond.

Can TRT restore fertility or treat ED?

For some patients, TRT improves sperm production and fertility. However, for others, additional medications may be required. TRT often effectively treats ED caused by low testosterone, but other causes may require other drugs.

In Conclusion

In the right supervised clinical setting, testosterone replacement therapy can be a transformative treatment for men suffering from low testosterone. TRT has helped millions restore energy, strength, performance, and quality of life. Renew Clinic offers cutting-edge TRT programs personalized for optimal safety and results. Contact us today to see if TRT could help you reclaim your vitality.

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